
What is Aerozine?

Aerozine is a gemini server I wrote in rust. Its name comes from the fuel developed for the Titan II rockets, the same kind that launched the Gemini capsule into space. The goal of the server is to be as configurable as possible, and it does this using configuration files which are always read before running. These files have a variety of options which include cgi, caching, accepting client certificates, multiple domains, and various other settings.

How to Use Aerozine

Aerozine can be downloaded or built from source. The code and download links are hosted on Github and the documentation can be found there or below.

Github Page



Currently version 0.3.0

Linux on aarch64

Linux on x64

Windows on x64


Version 0.3.0

Process exit codes are now used as gemini status codes with a meta field retrieved from the file contents (0 is the same as 20). All error messages are now no longer wrapped with debug information and errors are printed to stderr. For certificate formatting, keys without values will now simply be missing.

Version 0.2.0

Support for client certificates was added.

Version 0.1.2

Server was tested using gemini-diagnostics, all tests but one pass (request timeout) under correct configurations (some configurations like whether to use ipv6 or not are left to the user).

Gemini Diagnostics

Version 0.1.1

Tls library was changed from native_tls to rust bindings for openssl in order to support client certificates on all platforms.